Alcohol Consumption

File_000 (28).jpegAs someone who sticks to a very strict Paleo diet, alcohol is something I do only in extremely rare situations. This past Saturday was one such situation: our friends Steve and Anita came over, and we decided to have some wine. While Sherry and Anita had some Moscato, Steve and I drank some Rudy’s Red, a chocolate-infused wine that we buy on the Bluebonnet Wine Trail at Peach Creek Winery. I love that stuff. I love it so much that I drank all but one glass worth of the bottle.

I was fully expecting my weight to skyrocket the next as it had in the past anytime I drank alcohol in large quantities, but it didn’t happen this time. My weight held steady. This was a huge victory, and I think thanks in large part to the fact that I kept my eating in-check.

Normally, when I drink, I end up eating not only more than I normally would, but also foods I would normally avoid. My defenses against temptation are weakened when I drink, and I think that’s why my weight soars.

I’m not going to be adding alcohol to my regular consumption list anytime soon, but I think I learned something about how I deal with food and temptation a bit. This will help me deal with food while imbibing alcohol in the future, and will keep me from doing any more damage than necessary to my progress toward my final weight goal.

2 thoughts on “Alcohol Consumption

  1. I had wine this past weekend at a wedding – that’s the first alcohol I’ve had since I started Whole30 on June 13th.

    I’ve been stuck at a negative 15lbs for a while – I lost 15 when I initially started eating strict Paleo; however, since then my weight loss has stopped. I have started crossfit back in the past three weeks hoping to see some movement (I’ve been doing crossfit for over 3 years, but had been on a 5 month hiatus). The only thing I’ve reintroduced since coming off Whole30 is cheese and not in big quantities – just sprinkles of different cheeses on meals.


    1. There are lots of measures of progress outside of weight. Myself, I’ve been losing very little weight over the past three weeks, but I’ve lost about 2″ off my waist in that time. Some things to look at when trying to diagnose a lack of weight loss: portion size, fruit/sweetener content, and snacks (even if Paleo). When I looked at those things and adjusted, I got back to losing weight again and I’ve lost over 2 lbs this week alone. You’re doing great! I’m sure you will find progress somewhere soon!


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