StrongLifts and HIIT

I started a new schedule for my fitness that I’ve got high hopes for. The goals are increased strength and mobility coupled with some weight loss. My shoulder was diagnosed as having bursitis and degenerative joint disease, and the pain at times is quite intense. It often wakes me up at night while sleeping. I tried physical therapy and was prescribed Celebrex, but nothing seemed to really work. A Lieutenant Colonel I was deployed with who is also a trainer and master fitness instructor told me that he thought I just needed some weight work and flexibility exercises. So, after almost a year of the physical therapy and Celebrex not working, I decided to try to get back to my lifting and adding HIIT. The results were pretty surprising, to say the least. My shoulder hurts less now, and with each workout, I feel not only stronger, but more flexible without pain. Looks like Eric was right.

The current plan is as follows:

MON – StrongLifts
WED – StrongLifts
FRI – StrongLifts
SAT – Active Recovery*
SUN – Active Recovery*

*Biking, walking, hiking, kayaking, etc

(x3 w/1 minute rest)
Thrusters (w/15lbs weight)
Bicycle crunches
Two-arm dumbbell curls (w/15lbs weight)
Knees to Elbows (standing)

StrongLifts has two workouts: A and B, and I alternate between them each session. The plan is simple: three exercises with five sets of five reps. I have been doing this program for years, and the first time I did it, I got my deadlifts up to 265lbs and my squats were up to 180lbs. I was benching 170 lbs. (I had to stop due to injury and have been working ever since to try to get back to these numbers).

The HIIT plan comes from a few different sources I found on the Internet. So far, it’s decent, but as a beginner, it’s pretty intense. I will increase the number of sets once I can feel somewhat stronger with the bicycle crunches, push-ups, and knees-to-elbows exercises. Right now, three sets wipes me out. It makes for a very intense 15 minutes.

As for how I feel, I’m into my fourth week of StrongLifts now, so the lifting is going well. I’m only in the second week of HIIT, and while I feel myself getting better with the exercises, I still very much feel weak when I do them. I know it takes time and I have to trust the process, so that’s what I’m doing. Coupled with better eating decisions, I think I should start seeing some progress within another week or two. I’ve already been able to tighten my belt one hole smaller, but it hasn’t really translated to any weight loss yet.

I’m pretty excited to get this far again. It feels good now after I exercise, and although there are days when the last thing I want to do is exercise, I still get it done. It’s so important at this point in my life, and I have goals to achieve. My goals won’t achieve themselves; I have to DO THE WORK.

Back from Deployment and Back to Living Healthy

Well, it’s been a while.

I was deployed to Kosovo for nearly a year as a member of the NATO peace keeping mission and while I was there, I did everything I could to eat well but for the final month, I decided to eat the bread, the pizza, and the local food without much thought for my health. The result was about 15 lbs of weight gain!

Now, that’s not acceptable to me, and I’ve gotten back down to brass tacks to get back to being healthy. That includes not only going full Paleo (with a bit of a Whole30 tinge to it), but also back to my 5-day a week fitness plan. The diet is easy: I can eat Paleo or W30 easily and I know what to expect. Heck, I actually prefer Paleo. But the fitness part is more complicated.

I sustained not only a back and shoulder injury on deployment, but I also found out I have bursitis and degerative joint disease in my shoulder. This complicated my fitness plan while I was deployed. I did purchase a mountain bike in Kosovo and rode it quite regularly, but once winter came in and the temperatures dropped, I stopped riding. This also coincided with the back injury and a worsening of the shoulder pain.

Now that I’m back home, I decided to just go for it and start back with my StrongLifts 5×5, my bike riding, and I’ve introduced HIIT. My weight yesterday morning was a soul-shattering 202.7 lbs. This is a full 25 lbs more than what I like, and what my new goal is. 175-180 lbs is where I’m most comfortable, so that’s what I’m working towards. I don’t have a timeframe; I’m going to let the process work in the time it takes.

PaleoMarine’s Total Fitness Plan

I will do my StrongLifts 5×5 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday. I will do HIIT on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I plan on riding my bike typically on Saturdays or Sundays and possibly another day of the week (when I feel like it, most likely after the StrongLifts days after lifting).




THRUSTERS                                              10
BICYCLE CRUNCH                                    10
TWO ARM DUMBELL CURLS                    10
PUSH UPS                                                  10


I’ve been able to stay healthy and to keep my weight off for almost eight years now. That I’ve only gained back a small portion in the past two months is really a testiment to how well the Paleo diet works. Until January, I was still within 10 lbs of the original low weight I reached back in 2017. Now, I’m back with a new-found desire to lose some weight, to raise my fitness level, and to feel better again by living healthier. Was all the amazing food in Kosovo worth the weight gain? I think so. While I hate having to go through the process of losing weight again, the food in Kosovo is incredible and tasty, and I’m glad I had a chance at the end of my deployment to try so much of it.

Also, I will be updating again more frequently as I’m once again back on this journey. I’ve helped countless people on their own health jounrey, and I hope to continue to motivate and inspire people to regain control of their health.

Recovery is Important

I hate to admit this, but I actually pulled a lower abdomen muscle on Monday when sneezing. Yes; sneezing. This getting old is growing old.

What does that mean for me? It means that I had to take a break from exercising this week. All my weightlifting is with free weights which require a lot of core strength, and the abdomen is the base of that core and I couldn’t risk continuing to injure it so close to an ACFT. So, I did something I am not so good at; I took some extra time off from exercising to let it heal.

I’m happy to say that as of this morning (Saturday), the pain is all but gone. That means on Monday, I can start back up with my StrongLifts 5×5 and my running.

I know the de-load is going to psychologically be a bummer, and I also know that my run time will be atrocious. But, I will be happy to be back out there and making progress again. I like how I feel AFTER my workouts, although truth be told, I actually enjoy weightlifting. Running? Not so much. I’d rather be riding my mountain bikes, but the Army doesn’t care about that; they want me to run, so I will run.

Consistency and Dedication Win the Day

Driving a HMMWV during training.

When I left for training two weeks ago, I weighed a lot more than I wanted to. A LOT MORE. 200 lbs, to be exact. That’s the heaviest I’ve been in nearly 7 years. How did I get there? A vacation to Hungary and Christmas/New Year. I let myself eat anything and everything and the toll it took on my body was immense.

At the end of December, my wife and I resolved to do a Whole30 (we decided it wasn’t going to be a real Whole30, but more of a strict Paleo with Whole30 rules). I don’t know why we decided that, but here we are. The sticky part was that I was having to attend military training for two weeks in January which would make it difficult for me to eat Paleo. The food in the military is notoriously carb-heavy and MRE’s are the least healthy thing you can imagine putting in your body, so I had to think back to how I kept my Paleo diet during training in the past.

Enter the EPIC Bars, RX Bars, and Lara Bars. Between these three products, I had lunch every day that was clean and healthy. As for breakfast and dinner, I only stuck with foods that didn’t have grains, legumes, dairy, or added sugar. On the days when I couldn’t escape those things, I ate from my own lunch stash or I was fortunate enough to go out of the training area to get food from the local economy.

I was fortunate that the vendor who was catering our exercise noticed that I was ignoring certain items and after about the fourth day, if they had something very carb-heavy or completely un-Paleo, they would make me an option I could eat. It was very nice of them, and it was greatly appreciated.

What was the end result of the January not-so-Whole30 Whole30? I’ve lost around 14 lbs. I want to lose another 20 before May, so I’m sticking with the diet. I’m sticking with my exercise which consists of running and StrongLifts 5×5.

Consistency and dedication got me to where I am today, and it’ll keep me going towards my next goal.

When the diet is right; my struggle with portion size

Different people succeed in getting healthy through different diets due to many factors including genetics, culture, beliefs, preferences, etc. For my wife and me, Paleo works.

My biggest challenge is portion size. Even if I eat the right food, I’m always tempted to eat a lot of it. The reason is that I derive pleasure not only from the flavor or texture of foods, but also the quantity. This is incredibly hard to control, but it’s something I work on with every meal.

My wife and I had a conversation last night and she told me that she knew her portion sizes were right when she only got hungry right around mealtime and was slightly hungry at bedtime. I never thought of it, but she’s right.

Eating a healthy diet is important, but so is the amount. The most basic rule of weight loss is a calorie deficit = weight loss. Healthy foods in excess can still be unhealthy. This is something I need to remind myself of all the time.

Strategies for eating correct portions is something I’ve had to learn. First, I try to eat only as much as would fit into a bowl created with both of my hands. If it fits into that, then it’s the right size; any less, and it’s not enough. Any more, and it’s too much.

I also needed to learn to eat slower. I tend to eat very fast; it’s something I picked up from a childhood of activity where I tended to hurry through meals to get back to doing what I was doing prior. It was cemented at Marine Corps boot camp where we had to eat entire meals as quickly as possible. This didn’t do me any favors in controlling my portion sizes.

A strange psychological barrier I also face is that if it’s on my plate, I MUST eat it. I can’t just leave food uneaten on my plate. This is due to my childhood and being punished for not finishing everything on my plate. I know a lot of kids grew up with this same experience, and I honestly think it’s partially to blame for obesity.

My wife helps me with portion sizes by giving me my meals and during meal prep by packaging our meals in proper portion sizes. Somehow, when I receive my meals this way, I don’t have problems eating the right amount. I see the portion size and I try to slow down to enjoy it as much as possible and also to possibly allow my body to register the meal to eliminate hunger.

When I’m left to my own devices, I tend to over-size my portions. Following the “Hand bowl” rule helps, but I’ve been known to cheat. This is where the final ingredient to eating proper portion sizes comes into play: self-control. I have to be in the right mindset to use self-control, and right now, I’m there. I am very motivated to get back to my healthier weight and to increase my fitness levels. Motivation is strong, and fuels my self-control with portion sizes.

These are my challenges and how I overcome them. I’d be curious to learn how you deal with portion size.

First Big Run of the Year

OK… so it wasn’t THAT big of a run, but I started off 2023 with a three-mile run. This may sound minor to most people (especially runners), but I haven’t run three miles since at least last February. Instead, I rode mountain bikes almost exclusively with the exception of two-mile runs every other morning while on active duty at Fort Sill.

The sun was very bright, and I needed a shave

I decided yesterday just before my run that I’d go back to three+ miles for my runs because I remember how much better I felt running that distance. Also, the ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) is a two-mile event, and I prefer to train longer distances to make the ACFT seem like a “Short run.”

I will start integrating some sprints sometime in February as my next ACFT is in March prior to an upcoming deployment, and I don’t want to do poorly on it. A lot of eyes are always on me due to my age, and I can’t let my age group down!

Today is a rest day, but tomorrow I’ll be back in the gym for my StrongLifts 5×5 followed by my next three-mile run. I’m actually not dreading it, as I thought I’d be really sore today but I am happy and surprised to find that I am not. To the contrary, I feel more energized and ready to take on my day, my week, and to keep working toward better fitness.

Rest Days are Important

Today is my rest day. I started my workouts yesterday, and as predicted, I’m sore. This was to be expected (it’s not my first rodeo), and I knew it was coming. But, I also know how important rest days are to the growth and development of new muscles, and how important it is for the healing process of the body moving forward as I get back into the swing of things.

When I was younger, it was easy to go day after day. Heck, I plan on getting back to that once my body is accustomed to it again. But for now, I’m implementing rest days to help keep injuries at bay and to allow my body a chance to gently glide back into exercise.

When I went to USMC boot camp, we didn’t run every day; we did it every other day. Why? Because running every day is counter-productive for people who are new to exercise. Once we got in shape (about three weeks in), the tempo of our exercise became greater, and the distances longer. But in the beginning, they were especially careful to keep us from being injured. Nothing good comes from injuring recruits.

I take that experience and use it today to get the same effect: conditioning the body to get used to exercise before turning up the volume and distance.

The weightlifting went great; it’s funny how that’s not what made me sore. It was the run. It doesn’t help that I’ve never been a fan of running, although I have to admit (grudgingly) that I do love the feeling after I’ve completed a run. Even though my legs are worn out and I may be sweaty and out of breath, that rush afterward is pretty sweet.

So, even though it’s rest day, I did do a few rounds of push-ups. I can’t stay completely still… or leave well-enough alone.

Here we go; we’re at it again!

It has been quite a while since I’ve written on this blog, because my journey to being fit and healthier had hit a point of maintenance. I no longer felt I had much to say that hadn’t already been said, and I didn’t want to start sounding like a broken record player. But, here we are at the end of 2022, and I’m about to hit it hard again. Why? Because I’ve not worked out in three months due to injury, training, vacation, injury, and another vacation. Life was conspiring against me staying fit, and now, I need to get back into the swing of things.

Who knows what my sweater is?

I will start today by doing my weightlifting: StrongLifts 5×5. I’m starting almost from scratch, so I’m not expecting to lift any heavy weights. I also believe strongly in starting light and ramping up gradually to avoid injury, as it takes much longer for me to overcome injuries at my age.

I will likely finish up with some cardio. While I would love to go out for a run, it’s raining outside, and it’s also cold: a combination I HATE running in. So, I will likely torture myself on the treadmill (which I despise because it bores me to death).

I’ve been eating well for the past week. Prior to that, I was on vacation in Hungary where I dropped all Paleo rules to enjoy the food of my culture and my childhood. That led me to a rapid weight gain, but thankfully, it’s already started to come off thanks to eating healthy. The hardest part was coming off the sugar. It was like a Whole30 experience earlier this week.

My trip to Budapest this year.

So, if you’re new to this site, or if you’ve been following for years, you’re going to start seeing more consistent content again because I’m at it again. I need to hold myself accountable, and I need to get back in shape. As I’m in the Army National Guard, I have an ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) coming up in March, and I need to be able to pass that. I’ve never failed a PFT/APFT/ACFT, and I’m not going to.

Warrant Officer 1 Hunyadi

WO1 Hunyadi, Field Artillery Targeting Technician

A lot has happened in the past year. I became a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard, and then I attended the Warrant Officer Basic Course at Fort Sill, OK and graduated as a certified Field Artillery Targeting Technician. It took a lot of hard work, both physically and mentally, but I got through it, and I’m now ready to move on with the training I’ve received and keep pushing forward.

I was fortunate that I lived in a small apartment on-post, and I was able to cook my own meals and to meal prep. I typically ate my usual breakfast: two slices of uncured/no-sugar added bacon with two locally-sourced farm fresh eggs. On the days I was short on time, I’d have a bowl of Keto cereal with Califia Farms “Better Half” which is a half-coconut milk/half-almond milk creamer for coffee that happens to be amazing with cereal.

My lunches were usually my meal-prepped boxes with something like Paleo Carnitas, roast beef, or pork roast with some sweet potato, vegetables, or in the case of the carnitas, Paleo tortillas (from Siete).

Dinners were usually something I made fresh in the apartment like steak with sweet potato or some other grilled meat with vegetable, but I would also often eat dinner with fellow warrant officers and when out, I’d eat a 6 oz filet with sweet potato or a cauliflower crust pizza with lactose-free or dairy-free cheese. Every now and then, I’d treat myself to a burger at S&B Burger in Lawton, OK with the gluten-free bun. It was likely not Paleo, but after all the hard work and studying, I needed it!

My bike, my 4Runner, and me near Mount Scott, OK.

I stayed physically active. Aside from the morning work-outs (either running, weightlifting, or riding my bike), I did a lot of mountain biking. The trails around Mount Scott near Medicine Park were my most visited trails, but I really loved the trails in Wichita Falls, TX, as well as the trails at Lake Thunderbird State Park in OK. There were a few others we visited as well, but those three were my favorites.

Staying fit and healthy wasn’t difficult. Actually, it was easier than I thought, and I had a great time with it. I was fortunate that the Commissary on post had a lot of healthy food options, and I was pleasantly surprised with the Paleo options as well as the amount of organic and free-range selections. There was also a healthy food outlet off-post called Green Acres Market that kept me stocked with harder to find Paleo items. For anything I couldn’t get locally, Amazon was a solid backup.

WO1 Dakota Weaver and me the morning of graduation from WOBC.

So, that sums up eight long months of military schooling. I’m glad to be done with it, but I also miss my classmates and the active duty environment. I feel fortunate to have been able to complete this course at my age, and I never take it for granted.

Exercise and Diet on Active Duty

As I’m currently on active duty in the Army (I’m a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard currently attending the Warrant Officer Basic Course on Fort Sill), my nutrition is completely dependent on my own choices and preparation, and as an officer, the exercise regimen is largely left to our individual judgment. This is very good for me, as I’m 54-years old, and undertaking a physical fitness plan designed for Soldiers in their 20’s would likely leave me injured or worse.

As I live in an apartment on-post/on-base, I do meal prep on the weekends to make lunches and dinners. There are occasions where I will eat dinner with friends and classmates, but even then, I do my best to make the most healthy choices I can. Steak, sweet potatoes, grilled salmon, and pizza with cauliflower crust are my go-to’s.

Back to my fitness; I lift weights in the gym here in the mornings (Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, currently) and I run or ride air bikes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When weather and time permits, I also mountainbike in the afternoons. Just today, I rode my mountain bike with a friend in Wichita Falls, TX.

I thought maintaining a healthy diet would be difficult here, but it has been surprisingly easy with a crock pot and healthy ingredients I get from the commissary or a local health food store. I am fit, I am healthy, and I’m getting stronger/faster.

Whatever your situation, don’t let your environment affect your healthy plans. There are always creative ways around the problem, and it’s up to you to find them and to put them into action. Your success belongs solely to you.