Here we go; we’re at it again!

It has been quite a while since I’ve written on this blog, because my journey to being fit and healthier had hit a point of maintenance. I no longer felt I had much to say that hadn’t already been said, and I didn’t want to start sounding like a broken record player. But, here we are at the end of 2022, and I’m about to hit it hard again. Why? Because I’ve not worked out in three months due to injury, training, vacation, injury, and another vacation. Life was conspiring against me staying fit, and now, I need to get back into the swing of things.

Who knows what my sweater is?

I will start today by doing my weightlifting: StrongLifts 5×5. I’m starting almost from scratch, so I’m not expecting to lift any heavy weights. I also believe strongly in starting light and ramping up gradually to avoid injury, as it takes much longer for me to overcome injuries at my age.

I will likely finish up with some cardio. While I would love to go out for a run, it’s raining outside, and it’s also cold: a combination I HATE running in. So, I will likely torture myself on the treadmill (which I despise because it bores me to death).

I’ve been eating well for the past week. Prior to that, I was on vacation in Hungary where I dropped all Paleo rules to enjoy the food of my culture and my childhood. That led me to a rapid weight gain, but thankfully, it’s already started to come off thanks to eating healthy. The hardest part was coming off the sugar. It was like a Whole30 experience earlier this week.

My trip to Budapest this year.

So, if you’re new to this site, or if you’ve been following for years, you’re going to start seeing more consistent content again because I’m at it again. I need to hold myself accountable, and I need to get back in shape. As I’m in the Army National Guard, I have an ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) coming up in March, and I need to be able to pass that. I’ve never failed a PFT/APFT/ACFT, and I’m not going to.

2 thoughts on “Here we go; we’re at it again!

  1. E.J. I’m sorry to hear about your injuries…please take good care of those joints. I’ve had a knee replacement in each knee this year from years of ignoring pain and pushing through life and exercise….I’m happy to hear you will be starting slowly! You’ve got this!


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